Deborah Howard




University of Cambridge

Current Research

Proto-Industrial Architecture in the Veneto
Aspects of Early Modern Architecture in Venice
Venice and the Eastern Mediterranean

Recent Publications

Proto-Industrial Architecture of the Veneto in the Age of Palladio / L’architettura protoindustriale del Veneto nell’età di Palladio, Rome: Officina Editore (for the Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura [CISA], Vicenza), 2021

"Architectural Encounters: Ottoman-inspired Typologies as Liminal Social Space", Artibus et Historiae, 82 (2021), 297-312

"The Emporia of Syria: Damascus and Aleppo in the Venetian Mercantile Imagination", in Market Spaces: Production Sites, and Sound Landscape of European Cities: From History to Regeneration, ed. Elena Svalduz (Padua: Padova University Press, 2022), 23-36

"Venice and the Sea in Art and Culture", in Venezia e il senso del mare, ed. Maurice Aymard and Ermanno Orlando (Venice: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, lettere ed arti. 2023), 119-150

Review of Ronnie Ferguson, Venetian Inscriptions: Vernacular Writing for Public Display in Medieval and Renaissance Venice in Burlington Magazine, 165 (February 2023), 207-8

Review of From Donatello to Alessandro Vittoria, 1450–1600: 150 Years of Sculpture in the Republic of Venice, Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ d’Oro, Burlington Magazine, 164 (August 2022), 798-800

Review of “Ingegnosi artificij”. Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia: Trecento anni di storia della scienza, della tecnica e dell’innovazione (1474-1788) by Roberto Berveglieri,” in Technology and Culture, 63/1 (2021), 250–51

Review of Fabrizio Nevola, Street Life in Renaissance Italy, for Architectural History 64 (2021), 405-7