Christopher Black


Professor Emeritus


Glasgow University

Current Research

Early Modern Inquisitions and their differences. The Inquisitions' relations with Jews, Muslims, conversos, and moriscos.

Recent Publications

The Italian Inquisition (London and New Haven: Yale University Press, 2019)
Storia dell'Inquisizione. Tribunali, Eretici, Censura, Transalted and Edited by Gian Luca D'Errico (Rome: Carocci, 2013)
The Roman Inquisition. Centre versus Peripheries. edited by Katherine Aron-Beller and Christopher Black (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018)
Review of: Abortion in Early Modern Italy, by Hohn Christopoulos (Cambridge, MA and London, 2021), in Catholic Historical Review (2023), 797-8

Forthcoming Publications

"The Heterodox and the Italian Reformation", in The Companion to the Italian Reformation, edited by Giorgio Caravale (Leiden: Brill)