Frances Gage


Associate Professor of Art History


Buffalo State, SUNY

Current Research

Sixteenth and seventeenth century art, theory, criticism and culture in Northern Italy; the Carracci; early modern urban history; landscape, the environment and its representations; labor history, including the history of pedlars; aphorisms and proverbs; fiction, disinformation, rhetoric and orality in art criticism; art and medicine.

Recent Publications

“Caravaggio’s Rumore: Fact, Fiction and Authority in Giovanni Baglione’s Lives of the Artists.” Beyond Truth: Fiction and Disinformation in Early Modern Europe. Past and Present 257, supplement 16 (2022): 111-40.

“Artists as Critics, and Critics as Artists: Collaboration and Inclination in Giulio Mancini’s Taste Formation.” When Michelangelo was Modern: Collecting and the Art Market
in Italy, 1450-1650. Edited by Inge Reist. Leiden: The Frick Collection and Brill, 2022.

Forthcoming Publications

“Slave or Condottiere? Artists, Labor and Occupational Health in Early Modern Italy.” in Ut pictura medicina. Edited by Fabian Jonietz, Robert Brennan and Romana Sammern. Vienna: Turia + Kant.